Heard at Ops: A Video Series

In this video series, hear from top financial operations leaders on how the industry is responding to the dynamic and complex environment that is reshaping operations, the customer experience and market requirements.

Produced on-site at SIFMA Ops, the definitive conference for operations professionals in financial services.

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Watch by Episode

A Confluence of Events

Kevin Pleiter of Grant Thornton looks at a series of milestones to explain where we are today.

The Convergence of Operations, Technology and Business

Ed Morris of Google Cloud discusses the opportunity for innovation.

We Are One Firm

Cathy Bessant of Bank of America talks about unifying front and back office to provide the best possible client experience.

Changing the Skill Set

David Goldman of RBC talks about how operations is evolving into a team with a treasure trove of data – and we need the right tools and the best people to govern and leverage it.

The Next Great Client Experience

Frederic Crosnier of JPMorgan Asset Management discusses the future of the industry in providing clients with the best possible service.

The Power of Collaboration

Kim Bozzella of Protivi makes the case for the power of industry collaboration.

The Criticality of Managing Risk

Ron Lefferts of Protiviti on the importance of managing risk in the face of relentless and pervasive technological change and increased competition.

The Growth of Regulatory Operations

Michael Walsh of Societe Generale talks about the growth of the regulatory operations function to meet challenges like implementation of the Consolidated Audit Trail.

Operations’ Seat at the Table

Judy McDonald of Susquehanna International Group talks about how the role of the operations professional is becoming larger and more integrated in firms.

Game Changers for Wealth Management

Jim Allen of Hilliard Lyons talks about how technology has been a driver in enhancing the quality and scope of how we service our clients.

Automate… but Protect

Grace Vogel of PwC talks about understanding the processes behind automation so that if something breaks, the problem can be found and fixed.



Tom Price is Managing Director of Technology, Operations and Business Continuity for SIFMA.