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SIFMA Economics
Economist Roundtable Flash Poll: 3Q24
This Flash Poll provides an updated pulse on select questions posted to our SIFMA Economist Roundtable following our last semiannual survey, with highlights including the real GDP growth rate (+2.1% Y/Y), U.S. unemployment rate (4.3% estimate), Inflation (Y/Y estimate; vs. last survey), and more. Of note, 83.3% expect a total of 3 rate cuts in 2024 (including September).
Featured Event
Industry Briefing: Treasury Clearing Documentation
Industry participants are invited to participate in a briefing on SIFMA's new Master Treasury Securities Clearing Agreement. This briefing will provide an overview of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules that require most market participants to centrally clear cash and repo U.S. Treasuries, review SIFMA's new model documentation, and discuss next steps for the industry to meet the aggressive timeline for implementation.