Primers by SIFMA Insights

Why has the United States historically been a powerhouse of innovation? Much of the answer to that question lies in the pre-eminence of American capital markets. In a new primer series from SIFMA Insights, we seek to explain just why America’s capital markets are the deepest and most liquid in the world.

Why has the United States historically been a powerhouse of innovation? Much of the answer to that question lies in the pre-eminence of American capital markets. In a primer series from SIFMA Insights, we explain just why America’s capital markets are the deepest and most liquid in the world.

Capital markets recognize and drive capital to the best ideas and enterprises. As policymakers seek to understand the components of an environment that promotes innovation, we must also consider how capitalism and the free market system are catalysts for opportunity and dynamism.

  • Capital markets are crucial to fueling the U.S. economy, funding more than 70% of economic activity in the country.
  • Clients benefiting from healthy capital markets include investors, corporations and governments.
  • Financial institutions serve a critical role in making capital markets function efficiently, acting as the intermediary in a multitude of transactions.

Go beyond the typical 101

The primer series from SIFMA Insights goes beyond a typical 101-level brief, breaking down important technical and regulatory nuances. By fostering an understanding of the marketplace, we set the scene to address complex issues arising in today’s markets.

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This post was originally published on July 12, 2018; it was updated on November 9, 2021.