
NYSEArca, Inc. Proposal of Fees for Depth-of-Market Data


SIFMA provides comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the SEC’s request for comment on the SEC’s order granting the petition of NetCoalition for review of the action of the Division of Trading and Markets in approving by delegated authority File No. SR-NYSEArca-2006-21,  NYSEArca-2006-21 is a rule change proposed by NYSEARca, Inc. to establish fees for the receipt and use of depth-of-market data.  SIFMA notes that the legislative history of the Securities Acts Amendments of 1975 underscores congressional insistence that the Commission publish all correspondence with a self-regulatory organization, such as NYSEArca, concerning a proposed rule change.  SIFMA strongly urges the SEC that any draft order, any new amendments filed, all supporting documents and studies, and all communications with NYSEArca or other self-regulatory organizations relating to the order be made available to the public for comment in advance of any final SEC consideration.