Douglas W. Preiser
Douglas W. Preiser is the Chief Operating Officer of KeyBanc Capital Markets. He is responsible for all aspects of the company’s Institutional Equities, Equity Research, Equity Capital Markets, Debt Capital Markets Sales & Trading, Derivatives and Foreign Exchange trading. In addition, Mr. Preiser serves as Chief Executive Officer of KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., Key’s broker dealer subsidiary.
Following a period he spent in New York as Deputy Director of U.S. Research for J. P. Morgan Securities, Preiser returned to KeyBanc Capital Markets in August 2003 to become the Director of Research. His previous industry experience includes Research Analyst positions at Ballentine Capital Management, Kidder Peabody & Co., Salomon Brothers and Chase Lincoln First Bank.
Preiser is a cum laude graduate of Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA., with degrees in economics and political science and holds an MBA from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester .