Amy C. Sochard

Vice President, Advertising Regulation Department, FINRA

Amy C. Sochard is the Vice President of FINRA’s Advertising Regulation Department. The department helps protect investors by ensuring members of FINRA use communications including social media, digital advertising and other marketing material that are fair, balanced, and not misleading. Ms. Sochard oversees the department’s regulatory review programs and business operations, including the development of technology to facilitate the review of communications.  Ms. Sochard provides expertise and policy guidance to other FINRA departments concerning FINRA, SEC, MSRB and SIPC rules pertaining to communications with the public.  She also oversees the development of new rules, published guidance, and interpretations regarding communications, and she routinely speaks at industry events on these topics. Prior to joining FINRA, Ms. Sochard worked with a real estate syndication firm in Washington, DC. She received a bachelor’s degree with distinction in English from the University of Virginia and studied poetry writing at Columbia University.