Podcast: A Simpler Volcker Rule

The five federal financial regulatory agencies responsible for the Volcker rule announced they finalized revisions to simplify its compliance requirements. While the revisions do not in any way negate the statutory prohibition on proprietary trading by banks, they do provide market participants with much-needed clarity on compliance issues. Why are these revisions important to the markets and the economy?

On October 8, the five federal financial regulatory agencies responsible for the Volcker rule announced they finalized revisions to simplify its compliance requirements. While the revisions do not in any way negate the statutory prohibition on proprietary trading by banks, they do provide market participants with much-needed clarity on compliance issues.

In this podcast, SIFMA president and CEO, Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr. is joined by Robert Toomey – Managing Director and Associate General Counsel for SIFMA. Together, they explain why these revisions – such as the removal of an accounting prong – are important to the markets and the economy.

Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr. is president and CEO of SIFMA, the voice of the nation’s securities industry. He is also CEO of the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA), of which SIFMA is the U.S. regional member.